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¿De las canchas a los vlogs? La nueva faceta de Chicharo

Plano Deportivo | 24 Junio 2019 | 14:38

Si tú eres fan de CH14, no te puedes perder las nuevas aventuras del atacante mexicano ya que esta semana estrenó NAKED HUMANS, Blog en donde se mostrará el lado más humano del mexicano.

La alineación de Javier será  su esposa, Sarah Kohan, de su coach, Diego Dreyfus y de Niccolo de Zambiasi, encargado de plasmar la vida diaria de los participantes en video, los Naked Humans tratarán de darse a conocer como realmente son, sin expectativas ni juicios de otros.

Cabe destacar que el objetivo del vlog de Chícharo será inspirar a otros a través de su autenticidad, sin que intervengan máscaras ni hipocresías.


We believe that everyone in the world shall be free from the expectations and judgment of others. Untouched by what others think. Being Shameless YOU. ‍ We show up this way and hope to inspire others to enjoy their own authenticity, to take off the hypocrite's masks to be accepted, to laugh about the status quo, and to dare to be honest with their inner voice. After all, the true happiness can only be experienced when we accept ourselves fully. Naked Humans is a vlog. It is ordinary and raw, which is exactly why it goes beyond "standard". We are simply humans improvising within our own reality. Live this simulation called life with us, and through us. After all, we are just ordinary humans choosing to live extraordinary lives.

Una publicación compartida por NAKED HUMANS (@nkdhumans) el

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